Sunday, September 11, 2011

Get Update PDFCreator 1.2.3

Want to create a PDF? There is a great software like “PDFCreator”, this is a free tool to create PDF files from nearly any Windows application and if you need to make it a document, better try this one. Some of Key Features that you can get are:
  • Create PDFs from any program that is able to print
  • Security: Encrypt PDFs and protect them from being opened, printed etc.
  • Send generated files via eMail
  • Create more than just PDFs: PNG, JPG, TIFF, BMP, PCX, PS, EPS
  • AutoSave files to folders and filenames based on Tags like Username, Computername, Date, Time etc.
  • Merge multiple files into one PDF
  • Easy Install: Just say what you want and everything is installed
  • Terminal Server: PDFCreator also runs on Terminal Servers without problems
And the good news from PDFCreator is free, even for commercial use! It is absolutely Open Source and released under the Terms of the GNU General Public License.



·        Using Ghostscript 9.04 now
·        pdfforge.dll supports signing with timestamp and lot of new functions like verifying signatures and more
·        Images2PDF was improved and a console application for batch processing was added
Bug Fixes:
·        Fixed some minor bugs.
·        Known issues No hyperlinks possible (Hyperlinks for MS Word are possible with the combination of PDF-T-Maker and PDFCreator.)


  1. PDFcreator is compatible with Windows 9x / 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / Windows7 and need about 17.73MB empty space.
  2. Download the software by clicking download icon below article and save it (filename is PDFCreator-1_2_3_setup.exe).
  3. Now, open by double click the file.exe and start installing program.
  4. Do you want to run this program click “Run”.
  5. Choose what language do you want to use click “Next”
  6. Welcome to the PDFcreator setup wizard click “Next” as well as accept the term of condition click “Next”.
  7. There have two installations that you must to choose between “standard installation” or “server installation” click “Next”.
  8. In the next step if you are ready just click “Install”. Once the installation is complete click “Finish”. Watch Video Here”. Good Luck

Source: Filehippo


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