Recently, the critical security issue has been becoming a hot topic of this matter, to solve it Mozilla has released an update for the browser which is called Firefox. At a glance, creating a new innovation, dozens of new features to deliver a faster, more secure and customizable web browsing experience for all are part of Firefox mission. Furthermore, this software browser is absolutely 100% organic software. means that as software companies go, we are a little unusual.
This new platform include more than 15.000 changes to improve performance, stability, rendering correctness and code simplification and sustainability. In addition, new version of Firefox is easier to be used with any operating system integration for Windows, Mac and Linux. For further explanation click Here
- Awesome bar, a quick way to get the sites you love, even the ones with addresses you only vaguely remember. Type in term into location bar the autocomplate function includes possible matching sites from your history.
- One-click bookmarking, manage your bookmarks a lot or a little. One click on the star icon at the end of the location bar bookmarks a site. Two clicks and you can choose where to save it and whether to tag it. find your bookmarked site in a flash by entering the tag, page or bookmark name into location bar.
- easy customization, personal are easy to install themes that help you personalize the look og your Firefox.
- Private Browsing, sometimes it is nice to go undercover, so turn this features on and protect your browsing history. You can slip in and out of private browsing mode quickly. It is great if you are doing your online banking on a shared computer.
- Tabs, the brilliant way to browse multiple sites at once. Simple and easy, you can think of them as the content kept in folders. Each new site appears as a new tab and can be accessed in one click.
- For watching Video click Here.
With JavaScript that is more than three times as fast as Firefox 3 and 20% faster than Firefox 3.5, you will be able to see the difference without breaking out your stopwatch. Please look at these three picture illustration below for Firefox Performance:
"Stay safe while you surf" facing any malware such as spyware, viruses, trojans will tremendously affect your browsing activity.
For this matter, Firefox can make more secure by considering three ways like Community, Philosophy and Features. Beside that, add-ons and Plug in version check features is automatically checked. Insecure versions as well as secure add on updates which to improve add-on update security, add-ons that provide updates in an insecure manner will be disabled.
For using operating Windows system follow some simple steps below:
- Before you install the Firefox software program, make sure you use one of Windows system likeWindows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 or Windows VistaWindows 7 with minimum empty space at least 64MB RAM and Pentium 500 MHz recommended as well as 52 MB hard drove space.
- Next, download Firefox icon (located at the last page), you will connect to ziddu and download it.
- Once the download is complete, you can do an installation program. Choose the standard option for default location and choose custom for setting up software.
- The next screen, press next to select components.
- Please give a checkmark in the box labeled "Launce Mozilla Now" it will make the process of importing setting much easier.
- You will be asked whether you want to import your settings from other various browsers. Press next to import and Window will briefly appear and then you will see the import complete screen.
- A pop up window was appear and ask you want to make Firefox your default browser. i suggest to keep your default browser.
- Finally, Firefox icon will appear on your desktop directly. now navigate to Tools, Options. At the top of the window will be an area marked to make Firefox become your "Home page Location" just follow navigate Tools, Option then input Firefox, press OK, the Firefox is all set.
- In addition, doing an installation Firefox program can be done by choosing use install Firefox Extensions or in the safe mode.
- The Forum always available for user who face troubleshot and installation problem.
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